Hamilton Dental Group

Healthy Gums

Healthy gums are the foundation for your teeth, much like the foundation for your house. Healthy gums provide the support needed for your teeth to function as they should. Having unhealthy gums is like having termites in the foundation of your house. To the untrained eye everything seems fine, but progressive and often irreversible damage […]

Jaw Problems and Jaw Pain

What is TMJ? TMJ is an acronym for temporomandibular joint, which is a fancy way of saying jaw joint. Clinically, we refer to problems associated with the TMJ (jaw joint) as TMJ Syndrome or TMD (disorder). But many patients just call it “TMJ”. Often, TMJ Syndrome presents itself as a popping sound and sensation near the jaw joint. Who can […]

Sports Guard

A specially fabricated mouth guard can be made for your teeth. This guard fits over the upper or lower teeth to prevent broken or chipped teeth due to tooth-to-tooth contact. It is appropriate for sports where incidental contact with solid objects and other participants is common. The smaller size and secure fit of a custom […]

Laser Dentistry

NO NEEDLE NO DRILL NO NUMB LIP   WHAT IS LASER DENTISTRY? Laser technology is engineered and designed to perform special functions without changing or damaging the surrounding tissues or materials of the teeth. Lasers deliver energy in the form of light. Depending on the intended result, this energy travels at different wavelengths and is […]

Worn or Eroded Teeth

When the enamel of a tooth is worn away, the tooth often becomes sensitive and is more susceptible to decay. Advanced cases often require crowns to save the teeth. Tooth enamel may be worn away in several ways. One or more of the following factors may cause premature wear: Attrition Attrition is the gradual loss of enamel through “wear”. A […]

Bleeding Gums

Have you ever been brushing or flossing your teeth and noticed you’re rinsing out blood? If so, you are a part of the 60% of the population that has experienced bleeding gums. Do you feel that bleeding gums are a normal experience? Then you are a part of the 1 in 3 that share this […]

Night Guard

You might have seen them in a comedy skit of a man or woman going to bed with a big device in their mouth. It’s typically shown as unattractive, causes you to drool, and makes it so you are hard to understand if you talk with it in. (Think Tina Fey in the movie Date […]


New advances in dental medications have virtually eliminated the discomfort of dental procedures. There are several elements to creating a comfortable experience for your dental appointment: Comfort and Relaxation The first step is to make you relaxed and comfortable. From the comfortable environment in our reception area to the soothing environment we have created around […]

Pocket Depth Reduction

So, you have periodontal disease (or gum disease). You have done the recommended scaling and root planning (the deep cleaning with your hygienist) and have upped your home dental care. However, your pocket(s) around your teeth are still deep and contain bacteria. What do you do now? If this situation sounds like you, your dental […]


The danger of snoring Although the frequent subject of humor, in many cases, snoring is no laughing matter! Not only does snoring disrupt the sleep cycles of other family members, but in the case of sleep apnea, snoring can be a sign of a dangerous health problem. Sleep apnea actually cuts off the flow of oxygen to […]